Questions Families Ask About Child Preschool Programs

parents playing with child

When deciding on which child preschool program to send your child to, it’s important that you find the right fit for your family. Your decision on preschool sets the foundation of learning for the rest of your child’s academic career. The key skills your child will need to learn, such as math and reading skills, in elementary school can be taught as young as preschool.

As you research and tour preschool options, be sure that you ask the director and teacher these common questions parents ask to find out more about their program and to make an informed decision.

What is the Educational Philosophy of the Program?

child in graduation cap and gown with diploma

There are different educational philosophies that preschools may follow. At Providence Children’s Academy, our classes follow the Florida Department of Education standards. We utilize a combination of learning philosophies to help our little ones thrive well into their formative years.

Some preschools may not follow a specific philosophy at all. Depending on your family’s unique preferences and beliefs when it comes to education, you might find that certain educational philosophies better align with your family than others. By asking what philosophy a preschool uses, you can decide whether the program is a good option for your child.

Here are some common educational philosophies used in preschools:

  • Montessori – Child-led learning through exploration, hands-on activities, and independent living activities with specially designed materials
  • Reggio Emilia – Project-based collaborative learning driven by each child’s interests while promoting problem-solving skills and creativity
  • Waldorf – Holistic education approach focused on daily routines and rhythms without formal academics until age 6 or 7

What Qualifications and Training Do Teachers Have?

teacher reading to children

Ask administrators what qualifications and training teachers are required to have to be hired and teach classes at the preschool, as well as what credentials current teachers have. Do they have a lot of experience working with preschoolers? Do they have degrees or licenses? This question can uncover a lot about the types of employees hired to be teachers at the school, as well as the type of experience your child can benefit from.

At Providence Children’s Academy, we select only the best teachers for our child preschool facility. Our childcare providers are highly skilled, trained, experienced, and incredibly passionate about the kids in their care.

What is the Student-to-Teacher Ratio?

teacher giving a green plastic ball to a toddler

Each state has a mandated student-to-teacher ratio that preschools must follow. This is the number of children allowed to be under the care of one teacher. However, this is just a minimum standard. Many schools have their own standards when it comes to how they enforce student-to-teacher ratios within the school. At Providence, we’re proud to offer smaller student-to-teacher ratios.

In general, smaller class sizes are more desirable for improved learning outcomes than larger classes. it can be incredibly challenging for teachers to manage a class with too many students on their own. students may not be able to receive the one-on-one attention they deserve. When you ask about this ratio, you can learn more about how many children will be in your child’s class. You can also ask if there is an assistant or two working with each class.

How are Days Structured?

There are many different ways that a preschool can structure days. They might have hours dedicated to specific subjects or block time for certain activities each day. While there isn’t a right or wrong, it’s a good idea to know what your child will participate in each week.

Is Nap Time Required?

Preschool-aged children can vary a lot when it comes to nap time and whether they still take naps. Depending on your child’s nap needs, it might be better to choose a preschool that has a nap time for all students or where it would be optional. Some preschools encourage quiet time for children who do not nap while others nap.

How Do You Handle Discipline and Behavior Management?

Managing classroom behaviors is an important part of teaching at any school. What’s the school’s policy for managing classroom behaviors? What happens if a child misbehaves or acts out in class? What happens if a child bites or hits another child?

Is the Curriculum Aligned with Early Childhood Education Standards?

There are state and national early childhood education standards. As you discuss the curriculum and types of activities that your child will participate in, verify how the preschool curriculum aligns with early childhood education standards.

How Do You Communicate with Families?

parents on picknick blanket with kids looking up at the camera

When your child is at school, you won’t be there to supervise them. You will need to rely on teachers to know how your child is doing, what events are coming up at school, and other types of communication. Find out how the school communicates with the families of students. Do they have an online student portal you can check? Will they send important communications by email or print out information to send home in a folder?

Are Meals and Snacks Provided?

Some preschools like Providence Children’s Academy provide nutritious meals and snacks for students, while others require children to bring lunch from home. Discuss with preschool administrators what is expected. If you must bring food from home, are there restrictions on what you can bring? In many schools, you may not be able to bring peanut butter or nuts in lunches for allergy safety. If the school provides meals, ask what nutritional standards they meet. Is there a weekly meal plan posted so you can bring food for your child if the school’s serving something that your child doesn’t like?

What are Your Policies on Safety and Security?

Safety and security are extremely important in school settings. Ask about all of the safety and security policies in place. Who is allowed to pick up students? What security measures do they have against students running off-campus?

Are There Additional Fees?

The tuition charged will vary from school to school. To make sure you have a fair comparison, ask about what is covered in the tuition fee. Are there additional fees? Are the hours the same as the others? Do you have to pay extra for supplies, field trips, or aftercare? Are meals included? When you evaluate cost, which is a very important factor, be sure that you know what is covered and if financial aid is available.

Schedule a Tour of our Coconut Creek Preschool

Before enrolling in any preschool, it is important to see the school for yourself. You want to find a school that you can feel comfortable in. The only way to do this is to schedule a tour to see the preschool for yourself. Contact Providence Children’s Academy at (954) 570-6914 or use our online form to learn more about registering your child in our preschool today!

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