Does your job prevent you from fetching your children immediately after school? Then enrolling then in an after school child care program may be just what your family needs!
Did you know that there are 14 million children who leave school without a place to go? These are hours spent aimlessly wandering around when they could be used productively.
After school child care programs benefit children in a number of ways, both social and academic. This is why Providence Children’s Academy would like to share five perks of afterschool child care.
1. Safety and Supervision
Did you know that the hours between three and six in the afternoon are when most youth violence and crime-related activities take place? In other words, it’s a scary time for parents not to know where their children are.
Children in after school care are less likely to be involved in risky activities or fall victim to these incidents. These programs keep children busy and provide them with a safe place to wait for their parents.
2. A Sense of Belonging
Unfortunately, many children feel out of place when they’re at school. This is a feeling that may be lessened when your children are enrolled in after school child care.
If the program that you choose is not run by the school, this provides your children with the opportunity to meet other students. This gets them away from any social concerns or cliques that they deal with at school.
Child care run by the school can also be a great option. It provides your children with an opportunity to build connections with students from other classes or grades.
There is a lot more adult supervision where children are taught to play and talk nicely to one another. It has been shown that children in after school care are more likely to be included and to feel part of a group.
A good after school child care program will encourage cooperation, support, and respect.
The presence of adult supervision has a great impact on the children’s behavior as they create a welcoming environment. It allows for guided interactions and opportunities to teach children how to respect one another.
Children will feel more comfortable joining a group or starting a conversation in this setting.
4. Academic Support
Let’s be honest, there are not many children out there who would do their homework unless they’re told to. This means that many afternoons are wasted playing games, making evenings at home stressful and frustrating.
A very important part of all after school child care programs is academic support and homework help. Here children are given the opportunity to complete their homework and ask for help should they need it.
5. Peace of Mind for Parents
The safety of their child is every parent’s priority. To be able to keep their children safe, happy, and healthy they need to work. Unfortunately, work often prevents parents from fetching their children at the correct time. This means that the parents are at work but their minds are worrying about their children’s whereabouts.
Enrolling your child in an after-school child care program allows you to finish your day’s work with peace of mind that your child is safe and being taken care of. Parents are always going to worry about their children, but this allows them to worry less and save their energy for the evenings.
Let Providence Children’s Academy Keep Your Children Safe
We understand that being a parent involves worrying about your children 24/7. But if you choose to enroll them with Providence Children’s Academy, your child’s safety will be one less thing to worry about.
If you have any questions or would like more information about our after school child care program, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (954) 570-6914. We’d love to hear from you and your family!