How After-School Care Can Benefit Your Child

after-school care

If you are a working parent it is likely you rely on after-school care for your child at the end of the school day! Not only is this facility a convenient solution for you and your family while you are at work, but after-school care also has some astounding benefits for children! Find out more about what these benefits are, and why your child will love Providence Children’s Academy’s after-school program!

5 Ways After-School Care Is Beneficial For Your Child’s Wellbeing

We all know that after-school care is helpful for parents who work a 9-5 job and are not able to collect their child when school finishes. However, this is only one reason why you might find it beneficial to you and your child. Perhaps you have not considered your child’s experience at after-school care, and the ways in which it can be a positive influence on their development and growth. Here are 5 ways in which it does this!

    1. Creating A Sense Of Belonging

      In the classroom during school hours, your child will be part of a group of children who are the same age and form close friendships. Going to after-care means that not only will these friendships be able to develop further in a different environment, but it also means that your child will come into contact with children from other classes and ages. This gives your child the opportunity to widen their friendship circle in a fun and safe environment. This sense of belonging in the school community is vital for a child because separating from their parents for the day can be difficult.

    1. Improving Social Skills and Self-Confidence

      Joining a game or striking up a conversation may feel like easier things to do in after-school care than in school! The pressure of the school day is somehow relieved during after-care, and kids often feel less inhibited and more confident to just be themselves – especially for those who have learning or attention issues. This can mean they are more willing to try new things which can lead to a greater sense of self-esteem!

    1. Help With Homework

      After-school care is also a time for academic support. At Providence Children’s Academy, our teachers are ready to help give your child all the attention they might need by going through their daily lessons and homework tasks. Not only will this help your child’s academics, but it also takes the pressure off of parents to do homework at the end of a tiring work day.

    1. Fun and Play Time

      It’s not just the academics that are important! It is a known fact that play is fundamental for the social, cognitive and emotional development of children. Especially in the context of an after-school care program, we don’t want kids to feel as if they are simply doing extra school time! A combination of free playtime as well as more structured fun such as cooking, music, drama or technology classes is a healthy way to spend an afternoon. Extra-curricular activities introduce children to new interests they might not be exposed to during normal school hours, and for children with learning disabilities, it is a great time to learn in a stress-free and fun way.

  1. Providing Safety And Supervision

    Research has shown that the hours between 3pm to 6pm (in other words: from when school ends to when parents usually return home from work!) are when kids are most likely to engage in risky behavior. Unfortunately, crime and substance abuse are real issues in our world today, even for young children! Keeping kids busy in safe, reliable spaces and engaged in meaningful activities that are both fun and stimulating will give them a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in their lives. These programs undoubtedly result in improved academic performance and fewer behavioral issues.

A wide variety of statistical research has been done about the benefits of after-care. Providence Children’s Academy has an excellent after-school program that your child will love. Phone us today at 954-570-6914 to enroll your child or find out more information.

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