Pre-K education refers to the year of schooling before children begin kindergarten. This is the year where young children are exposed to new stimuli, new friends, new routines, and begin their experience with school learning. While it can sometimes be difficult for parents to let go of their children, pre k education has become an essential part of a young child’s education journey.
Pre-K education offers a foundation for a range of skills that your young child will begin to learn and develop throughout their schooling year. These fundamental developmental areas include physical, emotional, and social development and developing these key areas gives your child a head start.
Key Developmental Areas Of Pre-K Education
Pre-K students are at a stage in life where development is essential. Pre-K education supports these developmental areas:
Physical Development
Learning during pre-k involves movement and play. These activities develop fine motor skills by using their fingers and their hands, as well as developing more complex motor skills through moving their arms and legs. With all the equipment that is available, they get to run, jump, catch, throw, and climb. They do creative tasks where they can build puzzles and paint. Through movement and playing, they begin to strengthen their bones and muscles.
Emotional Development
While attending pre-k, young students get to experience their own feelings through play, fun lessons, and activities. In some cases, it may be one of the first opportunities your child is in a setting that tests their self-esteem, their empathy, and recognizing the other children around them.
Introducing your child into pre-k education gives them the opportunity to socialize and learn with children their age in an educational setting. This will teach them to share and work with other children in a “team” setting. While playing together, they learn self-control, language skills, communication skills, and are able to experience a variety of scenarios that give their brains the opportunity to process and work through simple problems.
Cognitive And Decision-Making Skills
Being exposed to diverse experiences allows young children to develop their complex thinking skills, encourages them to make their own decisions, explore, question things, absorb information about the world around them, and become creative in their thinking.
The Benefits Of Pre-K Education
Research shows that most brain development happens before the age of 5. Early development of these key areas prepares the brain for future learning and acts as a prequel to the education years. Students are exposed to numbers, reading, and letters while their brains absorb everything new around them. Making the transition from kindergarten to school can be stressful for young students, but Pre-k promotes readiness in areas of self-confidence.
Pre-k programs are set up to initiate creative play and overall stimulation of a young mind. Habits that are developed during pre-k have a lasting impact throughout schooling. Learning social skills like self-control, developing thinking skills, emotional, and physical skills at this age provides your child with a solid foundation for academia.
Pre-K Education At Providence Children’s Academy
At Providence Children’s Academy, we pride ourselves in offering students a diverse learning program to enhance their educational growth while still having fun. We offer a hands-on methodology with a curriculum based on the concept of “play.” Your child learns naturally through fun and exciting experiences that are educational and further develop their motor, language, and social skills. If you’re looking for a pre-k education program, get in touch with us today on 954-570-6914.