If there’s one thing that I could go back to childhood for, it would be summer camp! Mom and dad had to work, so my summers were spent at daycare summer camp. As a shy kid, I loved the fact that it was much like going to daycare but packed with lots of exciting field trips and activities that we didn’t get to do during school time. I also got to go home to my family and sleep in my own bed at the end of each day.
Who Wants To Be A Fireman?
Once, we visited a fire department and it happened to be my birthday. My teacher must have mentioned that there was a birthday girl in the house, because they picked me to sit up front in the driver’s seat of the fire truck. We got to see the fireman’s pole that they all slid down to rush to emergencies, and the rows of enormous trucks ready to roll out and rescue. After that trip, nearly all the children were convinced they were going to become firemen when they grew up. It wouldn’t surprise me if some of them did!
Summer Camp Pool Day
Arriving at the pool for a swim on a hot summer camp day always gave me butterflies in my tummy. The smell of chlorine and sun-warmed tiles still brings back happy memories. You’d think the only skill a small child learns from swimming is water safety, right? I think there’s a whole lot more. We were getting changed after swimming once and I couldn’t find my undies. I looked everywhere and panicked. I should have asked the teacher for help, but the whole shyness thing kicked in and I ended up keeping my soggy bathing suit on under my clothes. Not exactly a king-size leap in logic, but it was the start of learning to adapt and make a plan no matter what life threw my way.
Playtime At The Park
Going to the park was another highlight of daytime summer camp for me. Finding the courage to tackle the tall slide was a big deal when you’re so small. Yet, I managed, and it seemed to write you are brave into my DNA. Now when I face tough things that I’m not sure I’m capable of, tiny-me-braving-the-tall-slide rises up and says, ‘of course you can!’ It was an important part of building my self-confidence. Back then, I loved swinging on monkey bars and hanging upside down off jungle gyms. Now? I love that playtime at the park taught me to keep moving, and that exercise is the best antidote to stress.
Stepping Into Other Worlds
With a crazy imagination like mine, stepping into the library was like stepping through a portal. Fantastic worlds waited between the covers. Sometimes we’d listen to stories being read, other times, we could pick out our own books and get lost in them. My lifelong love of reading can be traced back to those daytime summer camp library sessions.
Growing A Friend Circle
I never made friends on purpose when I was young, it always happened by accident. Daycare summer camps created many opportunities for those ‘happy accidents’ that led to friendships outside of my usual circles. Making new friends is easier during summer camp activities. It’s a wonderful way of growing a child’s friendship circle.
So Much More At Summer Camp
I could write a book on all the adventures of daytime summer camp. We visited nursing homes, local government buildings and museums. We got to cuddle kittens and pet puppies at the local animal shelter, hike nature trails in a state park, and see what happens behind the scenes at the 911 call dispatch center. Some of our outings were educational, others were for physical exercise but all of them were fun. Whoever said that a child learns best by playing was right! There are so many benefits to attending a summer camp program.
Daycare Summer Camps In Coconut Creek
Summer is for adventures, new friends and staying happily active. At Providence Children’s Academy, we love to make each summer special. If you’d like to sign your children up for a daycare summer camp that will give them busy days full of fun and friends, give us a call at (954) 570-6914.