Spring is right around the corner, which means that summer will follow soon after. You may already be thinking about what to do with your kids to keep them occupied and active while not in school. If you’ve ever heard the complaint “I’m bored!” from your kids during the long summer days, Providence Children’s Academy has the solution: summer camp.
Far from just an activity that keeps your kids safe and out of your hair for several hours during the day (although it does do that), did you know that there are plenty of developmental benefits of summer camp for young children?
Read on to learn more about how your kids can continue to grow in learning, and have fun while doing it.
The Developmental Benefits Of Summer Camp
While summer is a welcome break from the long days of school, summertime doesn’t have to be wasted time. At a daily summer camp, your child can continue to grow in the following ways:
Summer camps are a perfect opportunity for kids to interact with peers who may share their interests. But socializing isn’t just about making friendships, as important as that is. Interactions with other children and adults teach kids about problem-solving and conflict management, sharing, and setting social boundaries. The camp setting is perfect for this because counselors will engage kids in a series of games and other activities that require forming groups to work toward a common goal. This is a skill that will serve kids well both in education and in life.
Reducing Screen Time And Getting Exercise
For many parents, the easiest way to keep kids entertained outside of the classroom is to have them watch TV or play video games. This is fine in moderation but not recommended day in and day out, with no limits. There are plenty of studies out there that show the negative impact of too much screen time on child brain development. Some of the consequences of abundant screen time include difficulty concentrating, obesity, disrupted sleep, and behavioral problems.
Summer camp is a great way to engage kids’ brains and bodies in healthy ways. From playing sports and other outdoor games, kids can get the right amount of sunshine and exercise that keeps them healthy and happy.
Personal Growth And Furthered Learning
Some summer camps are centered around a theme, such as art, drama, science, or a sport. Consider your child’s interests and talents when choosing a summer camp. Whatever the type of camp, your child will spend their days growing in knowledge about a subject they love, not realizing that they are learning even when not in the classroom. As your child grows in a certain interest or skill, they also grow in their self-image and confidence. The more they learn about themselves, the more equipped they become to engage in the world around them.
Influence From Positive Role Models
While your child isn’t interacting with teachers, they’ll have camp counselors to step in and fill the role as positive influences. Often, camp counselors are young adults who are perhaps on their own summer break from college: old enough to be an authority figure but young enough for kids to consider them “cool” and relatable. Camp counselors with good character can inspire your child to emulate them in a positive way. Many kids fondly remember their favorite camp counselors long after they outgrow summer camp.